ICD Mortality Coding Resources

Overview of International Classification of Disease (ICD)

The international classification of disease, also known as ICD, is a common language used to translate medical terms from a word to a code so that this code. For example, this table below shows how a medical condition written in different languages is the same code in ICD10.

Medical Condition Language ICD10 code

Obstructed labour due to shoulder dystocia



Trabajo de parto obstruido debido a distocia de hombros


Travail contraint due à une dystocie des épaules


प्रसव के समय शििु का कं धा फं सना


Having a universal language with ICD allows for easy comparison of medical conditions across countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has the mandate to develop and maintain ICD and has developed a range of resources to support countries, including the online ICD10 browser (for the 2019 revisions) and the ICD10 volume 2 instruction manual which presents rules and guidelines for mortality and morbidity coding.

The WHO created a Youtube video which clearly explains the rationale for having ICD as a universal language for clinical and public health purposes.

WHO, headquartered in Switzerland, has relationships with government agencies around the world to serve as Collaborating Centers to support ICD implementation and trainings. The Central Bureau of Health Intelligence within the GOI Ministry of Health and Family Welfare serves as the Collaborating Centre for the WHO Family of International Classification (WHO FIC) in India and South East Asia Region Countries. This Youtube video developed by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and WHO Collaborating Centres presents their contributions to ICD.

When a coder receives a MCCD form to code, a good practice is to follow these steps to determine the underlying cause of death:

  1. Assign ICD10 codes to all conditions

  2. Determine the starting point SP 1-8 to select the tentative underlying cause of death (UCOD)

  3. Consider special instruction M 1-4 for modification of the tentative UCOD

  4. Check consistency between the selected UCOD with age and sex

  5. State the final UCOD

ICD10 Coding Case Practice

Coding Case 1:

Please view the YouTube video on coding basics and afterwards test your knowledge with the following questions:

  1. What do the cross-references ‘see’ and ‘see also’ mean?

  2. What do ‘inclusion term’ and ‘exclusion term’ mean?

  3. Define, ‘underlying cause of death.’

  4. For the following MCCD form, please state the number of reported sequences and identify the first named sequence. If there isn’t a sequence, please state that.

  5. For the following MCCD form, please state the number of reported sequences and identify the first named sequence. If there isn’t a sequence, please state that.

Coding Case 2:

Please view the YouTube video on coding basics and afterwards test your knowledge with the following questions:

  1. What are the multiple cause codes?

  2. What is the step or steps (SP1-SP6) used to select the underlying cause?

  3. What are the modification rules (M1-M4, if applicable) to select the underlying cause of death?

  4. What is the underlying cause of death?

Coding Case 3:

Coding Case 4:

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