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Project Lead

Dr. Atul Budukh

Officer Incharge
Professor Epidemiology

I am working as an Professor in Epidemiology at Centre for Cancer Epidemiology, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, India since 26, October 2010. I have completed my Ph.D. in epidemiology from the University of Tampere, Finland. My areas of interest are cancer registration and screening programme.

I am the co- investigator and key person of IARC/WHO cancer registration Hub at Mumbai. I am involved in teaching epidemiology and cancer regsitration to the doctorate students.

I was involved in running the cervical cancer control trial in rural area of Osamanabad district where more than 75,000 women were screened for cervical cancer.

I am the co-principal investigator of oral cancer screening trial going in Ratanagiri district. Under oral cancer screening programme more than 50,000 high risk people were screened.

I have played key role in the establishment of population based cancer registries at Chandigarh, Mohali, Sangrur, Mansa, Varanasi and Gadchiroli. I am the principal investigator of a research project “Menstrual pad a cervical cancer screening tool”.

I am the principle Investigator of the service project “Tobacco Quit Line Centre at TMC, Mumbai”. I am also the principal investigator of the project “Early detection of oral, breast and cervical cancer in Sangrur district of Punjab state.

Under IARC regional Hub for Cancer Registration Programme I have trained several students from Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste in cancer registry operation.





Ph.D. (Epidemiology)

Tampere, Finland





Professor Epidemiology

Centre for Cancer Epidemiology Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, India


Assistant Professor

Centre for Cancer Epidemiology Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, India


Technical Manager

Smaratanalyst, Gurgaon, India



Rural cancer Registry, Barshi , India


Data Processing In charge

Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Hospital, Barshi, India

  • Chakravarti Priyal, Maheshwari Amita, Tahlan Shweta, Kadam Prithviraj, Bagal Sonali, Gore Suvarna, Panse Nandkumar, Deodhar Kedar, Chaturvedi Pankaj, Dikshit Rajesh, Budukh Atul (2022) Diagnostic accuracy of menstrual blood for human papillomavirus detection in cervical cancer screening: a systematic review ecancer 16 1427. DOI:

  • Patel KK, Chakravarti P, Chaturvedi P, Dikshit R, Budukh A. The fifth round of the National Family Health Survey of India 2019 to 2021 reported low screening uptake alarming to strengthen the implementation of early detection services of the cervix, breast and oral cancer. Int J Cancer. 2022 Feb 6. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33958. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35128640.

  • Budukh A, Dikshit R, Chaturvedi P. Outcome of the randomized control screening trials on oral, cervix and breast cancer from India and way forward in COVID-19 pandemic situation. Int J Cancer. 2021 Oct 15;149(8):1619-1620. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33712. Epub 2021 Jun 30. PMID: 34152021; PMCID: PMC8427005.

  • Budukh Atul M, Chaudhary Debashish, Sancheti Sankalp, Dora Tapas, Kumar Goel Alok, Singla Anshul, Sali Akash, Shinde Shraddha, Singh Chauhan Kuldeep, Kadam Prithviraj, Mohammad Raza, Kapoor Rakesh, Chaturvedi Pankaj, Dikshit Rajesh P, Badwe Rajendra A (2021) Determinants of completion of cancer directed treatment: an experience from a rural cancer centre, Sangrur, Punjab state, India ecancer 15 1313.

  • Budukh A, Pradhan S, Singh VB, Khanna D, Bagal S, Chakravarti P, Sharma A, Vishwakarma R, Shinde S, Khargekar N, Chaturvedi P, Dikshir R, Badwe R (2021): Cancer Pattern in Varanasi district from the Uttar Pradesh State of India, a foundation for cancer control based on the first report of the population-based cancer registry. (Accepted for publication by Indian Journal of Cancer)

  • Budukh A, Maheshwari A, Bagal S, Singh A, Deodhar K, Panse N, Palyekar V, Dikshit R, Badwe R (2021): Factors influencing women to participate in cervical cancer screening by providing menstrual pads: A population-based study from rural areas of Maharashtra state, India. Indian J Cancer

  • Sourav Sarkar, Kedar K Deodhar, Atul Budukh, Munita M Bal, Mukta Ramadwar (2021): Assessing the histopathology reports of colorectal carcinoma surgery: An audit of three years with emphasis on lymph node yield. DOI:10.4103/ijc.IJC_1059_19

  • Bashar MA, Thakur JS, Budukh A. Evaluation of Data Quality of Four New Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) in Chandigarh and Punjab, North India- A Quality Control Study. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2021 May 1;22(5):1421-1433. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.5.1421. PMID: 34048170.

  • Subedi Ranjeeta, Budukh Atul, Chapagain Sandhya, Gyanwali Pradip, Gyawali Bishal, Khadka Kopila, Thakur Chanda, Dahal Uma, Dikshit Rajesh, Kumar Jha Anjani, Dhimal Meghnath (2021) Differences in cancer incidence and pattern between urban and rural Nepal: one-year experience from two population-based cancer registries ecancer 15 1229

  • Ranjeeta Subedi, Meghnath Dhimal, Atul Budukh, Sandhya Chapagain, Pradeep Gyawali, Bishal Gyawali, Uma Dahal, Rajesh Dikshit, and Anjani Kumar Jha. Epidemiologic Pattern of Cancer in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: Findings of Population-Based Cancer Registry, 2018. JCO Global Oncol. 2021; 7:443-452.

  • Bhatia A, Victora CG, Beckfield J, Budukh A, Krieger N. "Registries are not only a tool for data collection, they are for action": Cancer registration and gaps in data for health equity in six population-based registries in India. Int J Cancer. 2020 Nov 13. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33391. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33186475

  • Subedi R, Dhimal M, Budukh A, Gyawali P, Jha AK. Challenges and Way Forward for Establishing Population Based Cancer Registry in Nepal. J Nepal Health Res Counc. 2020 Nov 14;18(3):544-546.

  • Bhattacharjee A, Roy G, Budukh A, et al. A competing risk analysis of death patterns in male genitourinary cancer. Cancer Reports. 2020;3:e1174.

  • Budukh A, Shah S, Kulkarni S, Pimple S, Patil S, Chaukar D, Pramesh CS. Tobacco and cancer awareness program among school children in rural areas of Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra state in India. Indian J Cancer. 2020 Dec 10. doi: 10.4103/ijc.IJC_629_19. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33402603.

  • Singh A, Budukh A, Chaturvedi P, Dikshit R. (2019) - Systematic review on telephonic Quit line and its effects on smokeless tobacco. Int J Non‑Commun Diseases.4: 65-72.

  • Atanu Bhattacharjee, Atul Budukh, and Rajesh Dikshit Prostate cancer survival estimates: An application with piecewise hazard function derivation: South Asian J Cancer. 2019 Jul-Sep; 8(3): 150–159. PMID: 31489286

  • Chapagain S, Atul Budukh, Dangal G, Jha AK (2019) - Initiation of Population-based Cancer Registry in Nepal. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council. 17(3): I-II. PMID: 31735915

  • Supriya Chopra, Richa Shukla, Atul Budukh, Shyam Kishore Shrivastava: External Radiation and Brachytherapy Resource Deficit for Cervical Cancer in India: Call to Action for Treatment of All: J Glob Oncol. 2019 Jun;5:1-5. PMID: 31166825

  • Khanna D, Khargekar N, Budukh A. Knowledge, attitude, and practice about cervical cancer and its screening among community healthcare workers of Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh, India J Family Med Prim Care 2019;8:1715-9. PMID: 31198742

  • Prabhat Jha, Dinesh Kumar, Rajesh Dikshit, Atul Budukh, Rehana Begum, Prabha Sati Automated versus physician assignment of cause of death for verbal autopsies: randomized trial of 9374 deaths in 117 villages in India: BMC Medicine (2019) 17:116. PMID: 31242925

  • Phadke PR, Mhatre SS, Atul Budukh, Dikshit RP (2019) - Trends in gallbladder cancer incidence in the high- and low-risk regions of India. Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. 40: 90-3.

  • Budukh A, Maheshwari A, Palayekar V, Bagal S, Purwar P, Deodhar K, Dikshit R, Badwe R (2018): Prevalence and non sexual transmission of human Papilloma virus (HPV) in the adolescences girls from rural area of Maharashtra state of India : Indian Journal of Cancer 2018- Oct-Dec 55 ($) : 336-339

  • Budukh A, Bakshi G, Prakash G. Change in the ranking and increasing trend of the prostate cancer from the population-based cancer registries in India. Indian J Urol 2018;34:235-6.

  • Budukh A, Dikshit R, Thakur JS, Kadam P, Dora T,Sancheti S, et al. Linkage of cancer registration with cancer treatment in predominantly rural district: A model form Sangrur district, Punjab state, India. Int J Non-Commun Dis 2018;3:56-9.

  • Budukh A, Palayekar V, Maheshwari Amita, Kedar Deodhar, Pallavi Purwar, Sonali Bagal ,Ashok Vedigoppula, Manoj Lokhande, Nandkumar Panse, Rajesh Dikshit and RA Badwe “ Menstrual pad, a cervical cancer screening tool, a population based study in rural India Eur J Cancer Prev. 2018:27:546-52

  • S. Mhatre, R. Nagrani, Budukh A. et. al (2016.): Place of birth and risk of gall bladder cancer in India : Indian J Cancer. 2016 Apr-Jun; 53 (2):304-308.

  • Nagrani Rajini, Budukh Atul, Koyande S. Panse NS et. al. (2014): Rural Urban Differences in Breast Cancer: Indian Journal of Cancer: 51:277:81. On this paper a new article was published in BMJ 2014 : 349:g7685

  • Thakur Js, Budukh A, Kapoor, R, Malhotra P, Bashar MA, Kathirvel S, Dikshit R, Arrora P. Bhatia SPS, Badwe RA, (2017) Urban rural difference in cancer incidence and pattern in Punjab and Chandigarh: findings from four new population based cancer registries in north India Int J Non-Commun Dis 2017;2:49-55

  • Pankaj Chaturvedi and Atul Budukh: Commentry on a research article “Alcohol drinking in never users of tobacco, cigarette smoking in never drinkers and the risk of head and neck cancer: Pooled analysis in the International Head and Neck Cancer: Mia Hashibe, Paul Brennan, Simone Benhamou: in a book: A century of progress in head and neck cancer published by JAPEEBROTHERS.COM

  • Deodhar KK, Budukh A, Ramadwar M, Bal MM, Shrikhande SV. (2012): Are we achieving the benchmark of retrieving 12 lymph nodes in colorectal carcinoma specimens? Experience from a tertiary referral center in India and review of literature: Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2012 Jan-Mar;55(1)

  • MenonS, Deodhar K, Rekhi B, Dhake R, Gupta S, Ghosh J, Maheshwari A, Mahantshetty U, Shrivastva S, Budukh A, Togaokar HB, Kerkar R (2013): Clinical Pathological Spectrum of primary ovarian malignant mixed mullerian tumour (OMMMT) from a tertiary cancer institute: A series of 27 cases: Indian Journal of Pathology Microbiology Oct-Dec:56(4):365-71

  • Missaoui N, Hmissa S, Sankaranarayanan R, Deodhar K, Nene B, Budukh A, MalviS, Chinoy R, Kelkar R, Kane S, Chauhan M, Kothai A, Kahate S, Fontanière B, Frappart L (2010): p16INK4A overexpression is a useful marker for uterine cervix lesions. Ann Biol Clin (Paris).68(4):409-14.

  • Sankaranarayanan R, Nene BM, Shastri SS, Jayant K, Muwonge R, Budukh AM, Hingmire S, Malvi SG, Thorat R, Kothari A, Chinoy R, Kelkar R, Kane S, Desai S, Keskar VR, Rajeshwarkar R, Panse N, Dinshaw KA (2009): HPV screening for cervical cancer in rural India. N Engl J Med. 2;360(14):1385-94

  • Thorat RV, Panse NS, Budukh AM, Dinshaw KA, Nene BM, Jayant K (2009). Prevalence of tobacco use and tobacco-dependent cancers in males in the Rural Cancer Registry population at Barshi, India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 10(6):1167-70

  • Budukh A (2008) : Doctoral Dissertation Atul Budukh : Cervical cancer control in rural India Acta Universitatis Tamperensis: Acta Oncologica, 47:1145

  • Budukh AM (2007) – Cervical Cancer Control in Rural India – Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1262, Tampere University Press, Tampere – Finland.

  • Nene BM, Jayant K, Arrossi S, Shastri S, Budukh A, Hingmire S, Muwonge R, Malvi S, Dinshaw K and Sankaranarayanan R (2007) – Determinants of women’ participation in cervical cancer screening trial, Maharashtra, India, Bull of World Health Organisation 85: 264-272.

  • Legood R, Gray AM, Mahe C, Wolstenholme J, Jayant K, Nene BM, Shastri SS, Malvi SG, Muwonge R, Budukh AM and Sankaranarayanan R (2005) : Screening for cervical cancer in India: How much will it cost? A trial based analysis of the cost per case detected, Int J Cancer 117:981-987.

  • Sankaranarayanan R, Nene BM, Dinshaw KA, Mahe C, Jayant K, Shastri SS, Malvi SG, Chinoy R., Kelkar R, Budukh AM, Keskar V, Rajeshwar R, Muwonge R, Kane S, Parkin DM (2005) – A cluster randomised controlled trial of visual cytology and human papillomavirus screening for cancer of the cervix in rural India, Int J Cancer : 116:617-623.

  • Sankaranarayanan R, Nene BM, Dinshaw KA, Rajkumar R, Shastri S, Wesely R, Basu P, Sharma R, Thara S, Budukh A and Parkin DM (2003) : Early detection of cervical cancer with visual inspection methods : a summary of completed on going studies in India: Salud Publica Mex 45 (suppl 3) : S399-407.

  • Sankaranarayanan R, Budukh AM, Rajkumar R (2001): Effective screening programme for cervical cancer in low and middle income developing countries: Bull of World Health Organisation: 79:954-962

  • Jayant K, Nene BM, Dinshaw KA, Budukh AM and Dale PS (1998)- Survival from cervical cancer in Barshi registry, rural India In Cancer Survival in Developing Countries, P69-77 Eds . R. Sankaranarayanan, RJ Black and Parking DM – International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France

  • Nene BM, Deshpande S, Jayant K, Budukh AM, Deshpande DA, Chiwate AS, Malvi SG, Deokar S, Parkin DM and Sankaranarayanan R (1996): Early detection of cervical cancer a population based study in rural India. Int J Cancer 68-770-773.