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CCE Building
Tata Memorial Centre
Tata Memorial Centre
Tata Memorial Centre
Tata Memorial Centre


  • Evaluate new methods for early detection and screening for common cancer.

  • Develop Nationally and Internationally recognized and well funded multidisciplinary research programs in Epidemiology with emphasis on assessing cancer Burden , assessing prevalence of risk factors, identifying risk factors related to life style and genetics, and to study risk factors for disease progression.

  • Operate a Molecular Epidemiology research.

  • Creating Cancer awareness with interactions with government and non-government organizations.

  • Provide Epidemiological consultation, collaboration and service to multidisciplinary basic science, clinical and translational research.

  • Develop Education and training programme in Epidemiology including Doctorate and Master programme in Epidemiology.


The Centre for Cancer Epidemiology was fully operational in 2015 to fulfill the need of Population Based Research and to promote epidemiological and public health research in India. Following are the goals and vision of the Centre :

  • Build a program to identify Cancer Burden, Cancer Causation and Cancer Prevention Strategies.

  • Build a platform to conduct large scale cutting edge Epidemiological studies with accurate exposure measurement.

  • Build capabilities to conduct Population Genetic Studies.

  • PHD Epidemiology and Masters of Epidemiology and Public Health Programme.

  • Develop manpower.

To fullfill these goals the centre has been organized into six department/sections. The center conduct PhD programme in Epidemiology and MPH programme will start from year 2020. The centre has developed collaboration with numerous International (IARC, Oxford University UK, Bristol University UK, US-NCI) and National (IITs , IIPS ) organization to build up cutting edge research programmes and to to develop skilled manpower to conduct epidemiological and population genetics research. The organizing structure of centre is as below :