Patterns Of Cancer Care is an expansion of Hospital Based Cancer Registry activity where detailed information on clinical stage, Medical History, Life Style of patient, details of various treatment modalities and follow up is captured. It is helpful to obtain stage and treatment based survival and thus, improve the cancer care. This is being done for Head & Neck, Breast, Female Gynecological Cancers and Hematopoietic Cancers . This activity is also expanded to other TMC Centres of HBCH Sangrur, HBCH Varanasi, HBCH & RC Visakhapatnam since 2022.
To generate reliable data on the magnitude and patterns of cancer care.
To assess overall pattern of care and survival of the leading cancers prevalent in India such as:
i. Head and Neck
ii. Breast
iii. Cervix
iv. Other Gynaecological malignancies
v. Haematolymphoid and Childhood Cancers
To estimate demographic and disease-free survival for above mentioned sites
To assess the epidemiological and clinical determinants of survival for these cancers
It is helpful to obtain stage and treatment based survival and thus, improve the cancer care.
Research Location
Source of Information
Primary Source: Electronic Medical Record of TMC.
Secondary Source:Followup: Phone calls, emails, letters, Billing records, Death certificates